How to inculcate Ayurveda into your kids’ life?

Kids of today are the future of the world, and letting them guzzle the moral values and presenting a good example before them can ensure their growth as healthy individuals with sound body and mind. Ayurveda in Sydney considers that everyone has their own unique structure that identifies their interests, characteristics, and personality. It recommends certain advice for each body type i.e. Pitta, Kapha, and Vata. Identifying the Ayurvedic constitution of your kids can help you guide them inculcate good habits right from the beginning.

Let us see a few basic habits to inculcate an Ayurvedic schedule in your kids

Wake up early: According to Ayurveda Brisbane, the best time of the rising up is in the morning between 4:30 to 5:30 a.m. This is the time when our energy levels are high, and the mind is in awakening state. Train your kids to set a routine, wake them up early in the morning so they have enough time to exercise and get ready for school. Help them learn a short prayer to remember for 2-3 minutes on waking to welcome the beautiful day, then wash their face and eyes well. Help them form a habit to use the toilet as the first thing to do to regulate gut movements. Tell them to drink a glass of water once they get up in the morning which will flush out the toxins from the body.

Healthy eating habits: All bodily illnesses rise from the doshas imbalance. This increases the toxins build up in the body, and causing digestion issues. According to Ayurveda in Sydney, processed foods do not have the required energy as fresh or natural foods and therefore are not good for large consumption. Promote your child develop love for fresh fruits rather than a pack of chips. Show creativity with raw foods and natural foods presentation to make them fascinating to eat. You could create interesting shapes, and use colours to make it more tempting. You can include asparagus, bell pepper, broccoli, sprouts, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, lettuce, peas, potato, squash, zucchini, salads, apples, banana, dates, and grapes in their diet.

Free minds: Children have to go through a lot of pressures beginning from school entrance exams, higher academic expectations, and extra-curricular activities on top of that. There is an added stress of bullying and peer pressure that mighty de-motivate and debauch a child. You need to make your child emotionally and physically strong and stable with the regular exercise. Meditation can help slow down the breathing, normalising the blood pressure, and reduce anxiety and stress.

You will see how much of a difference following these above mentioned can make for them during their early years. Raising a kid while making him physically and emotionally strengthened and confident will contribute to have a better society.


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